Commit b0019cf1 authored by JooHan Hong's avatar JooHan Hong

vm init

parent 0fb8853f
Pipeline #5140 passed with stages
in 2 seconds
......@@ -10,4 +10,4 @@
| ------ | ------ | ------ | ------ |
| 1 | MariaDB Install | [GO](./MariaDB/) | |
| 2 | MHA Manager Installing | [GO](./MHA/MANAGER/) | |
| 2 | MHA Node Installing | [GO](./MHA/NODE/) | |
| 3 | MHA Node Installing | [GO](./MHA/NODE/) | |
# Ansible 활용
> KVM Virtualization Based에서 VM Mantenance 작업을 수행한다.
# Table of Contents
| NO | ITEM | Content | 비고 |
| ------ | ------ | ------ | ------ |
| 1 | Virtualization Create | [GO](./VMC/) | |
# Ansible을 Virtualization 구성
> KVM 기반의 Hypervisor에서 Virtual Machine에 대한 생성을 자동화 한다.
## 수행 내역
- 검증된 VM Image(.qcow2)를 KVM Hypervisor에 배포한다.
- 변수된 지정된 IP주소로 각 VM에 네트워크 및 호스트네임을 세팅을 진행한다.
- 각 VM에 root 패스워드를 세팅한다.
- Playbook 수행완료 시 Slack으로 Push Alert을 보낸다.
## Inventory 설정
# cat hosts
[ALL_HOSTS] managed_ip= des="2020-12-03"
대상 호스트는이며, 추가는 2020-12-03에 수행한다. 참고적으로 **ALL_HOSTS_OK** 호스트 그룹은 작업이 완료된 호스트의 history를 위한 그룹이다.
## Host Variables 설정
# cat host_vars/
ansible_ssh_port: SSH_포트번호
ansible_ssh_user: 사용자 아이디
ansible_ssh_pass: "사용자 패스워드"
ansible_become: yes
ansible_become_method: su
ansible_become_user: root
ansible_become_pass: "!root_패스워드"
ansible_python_interpreter: python2.7
다음 Playbook은 KVM Hypervisor(에 **총 3개의 VM을 생성**한다.
## Playbook 설정
- name: Virtualization Install (KVM)
hosts: all
become: true
USER_NAME: demouser #사용자 아이디를 입력
PASSWORD: "root 패스워드"
- name: Install VM GuestTools
yum: name={{ item }} update_cache=yes
- guestfish
- libguestfs-tools
- name: VIRT Users Directory /root/VM-TEMP/CONFIGS
path: "{{ item }}"
state: directory
owner: root
group: root
mode: 0755
- /root/VM-TEMP/CONFIGS/{{ USER_NAME }}/Server1
- /root/VM-TEMP/CONFIGS/{{ USER_NAME }}/Server2
- /root/VM-TEMP/CONFIGS/{{ USER_NAME }}/Server3
- name: VIRT Users Files Copy
src: "{{ item.src }}"
dest: "{{ item.dest }}"
mode: 0644
owner: root
group: root
- {src: 'templates/Server1-ifcfg-eth0.j2', dest: '/root/VM-TEMP/CONFIGS/{{ USER_NAME }}/Server1/ifcfg-eth0'}
- {src: 'templates/Server1-ifcfg-eth1.j2', dest: '/root/VM-TEMP/CONFIGS/{{ USER_NAME }}/Server1/ifcfg-eth1'}
- {src: 'templates/Server1-hostname.j2', dest: '/root/VM-TEMP/CONFIGS/{{ USER_NAME }}/Server1/hostname'}
- {src: 'templates/Server2-ifcfg-eth0.j2', dest: '/root/VM-TEMP/CONFIGS/{{ USER_NAME }}/Server2/ifcfg-eth0'}
- {src: 'templates/Server2-ifcfg-eth1.j2', dest: '/root/VM-TEMP/CONFIGS/{{ USER_NAME }}/Server2/ifcfg-eth1'}
- {src: 'templates/Server2-hostname.j2', dest: '/root/VM-TEMP/CONFIGS/{{ USER_NAME }}/Server2/hostname'}
- {src: 'templates/Server3-ifcfg-eth0.j2', dest: '/root/VM-TEMP/CONFIGS/{{ USER_NAME }}/Server3/ifcfg-eth0'}
- {src: 'templates/Server3-ifcfg-eth1.j2', dest: '/root/VM-TEMP/CONFIGS/{{ USER_NAME }}/Server3/ifcfg-eth1'}
- {src: 'templates/Server3-hostname.j2', dest: '/root/VM-TEMP/CONFIGS/{{ USER_NAME }}/Server3/hostname'}
- name: Server/Desktop VM XML Files Copy
src: "{{ item.src }}"
dest: "{{ item.dest }}"
mode: 0600
owner: root
group: root
- {src: 'templates/server1.xml.j2', dest: '/etc/libvirt/qemu/{{ USER_NAME }}-server1.xml'}
- {src: 'templates/server2.xml.j2', dest: '/etc/libvirt/qemu//{{ USER_NAME }}-server2.xml'}
- {src: 'templates/server3.xml.j2', dest: '/etc/libvirt/qemu//{{ USER_NAME }}-server3.xml'}
- name: VM Users Server Images Copy
shell: |
cp -rf /root/VM-TEMP/VMS/centos/7.8/centos78.qcow2 /var/lib/libvirt/images/{{ USER_NAME }}-server1.qcow2
chmod 600 /var/lib/libvirt/images/{{ USER_NAME }}-server1.qcow2
cp -rf /root/VM-TEMP/VMS/centos/7.8/centos78.qcow2 /var/lib/libvirt/images/{{ USER_NAME }}-server2.qcow2
chmod 600 /var/lib/libvirt/images/{{ USER_NAME }}-server2.qcow2
cp -rf /root/VM-TEMP/VMS/centos/7.8/centos78_20G.qcow2 /var/lib/libvirt/images/{{ USER_NAME }}-server3.qcow2
chmod 600 /var/lib/libvirt/images/{{ USER_NAME }}-server3.qcow2
- name: VM Users Server1 Configuration
shell: |
/usr/bin/virt-customize -a /var/lib/libvirt/images/{{ USER_NAME }}-server1.qcow2 \
--root-password password:{{ PASSWORD }} \
--copy-in /root/VM-TEMP/CONFIGS/{{ USER_NAME }}/Server1/ifcfg-eth0:/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ \
--copy-in /root/VM-TEMP/CONFIGS/{{ USER_NAME }}/Server1/ifcfg-eth1:/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ \
--copy-in /root/VM-TEMP/CONFIGS/{{ USER_NAME }}/Server1/hostname:/etc/
- name: VM Users Server2 Configuration
shell: |
/usr/bin/virt-customize -a /var/lib/libvirt/images/{{ USER_NAME }}-server2.qcow2 \
--root-password password:{{ PASSWORD }} \
--copy-in /root/VM-TEMP/CONFIGS/{{ USER_NAME }}/Server2/ifcfg-eth0:/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ \
--copy-in /root/VM-TEMP/CONFIGS/{{ USER_NAME }}/Server2/ifcfg-eth1:/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ \
--copy-in /root/VM-TEMP/CONFIGS/{{ USER_NAME }}/Server2/hostname:/etc/
- name: VM Users Server3 Configuration
shell: |
/usr/bin/virt-customize -a /var/lib/libvirt/images/{{ USER_NAME }}-server3.qcow2 \
--root-password password:{{ PASSWORD }} \
--copy-in /root/VM-TEMP/CONFIGS/{{ USER_NAME }}/Server3/ifcfg-eth0:/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ \
--copy-in /root/VM-TEMP/CONFIGS/{{ USER_NAME }}/Server3/ifcfg-eth1:/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ \
--copy-in /root/VM-TEMP/CONFIGS/{{ USER_NAME }}/Server3/hostname:/etc/
- name: reloaded the libvirtd
state: reloaded
daemon_reload: yes
name: libvirtd.service
enabled: True
- name: VM NIC Attaching
shell: |
virsh attach-interface --domain {{ USER_NAME }}-server1 --type bridge --source br17216 --model virtio --config
sleep 2
virsh attach-interface --domain {{ USER_NAME }}-server1 --type bridge --source br17216 --model virtio --config
sleep 2
virsh attach-interface --domain {{ USER_NAME }}-server2 --type bridge --source br17216 --model virtio --config
sleep 2
virsh attach-interface --domain {{ USER_NAME }}-server2 --type bridge --source br17216 --model virtio --config
sleep 2
virsh attach-interface --domain {{ USER_NAME }}-server3 --type bridge --source br17216 --model virtio --config
sleep 2
virsh attach-interface --domain {{ USER_NAME }}-server3 --type bridge --source br17216 --model virtio --config
- name: reloaded the libvirtd
state: reloaded
daemon_reload: yes
name: libvirtd.service
enabled: True
- name: Send notification message via Slack all options
module: slack
token: TH9557E80/XXXXX/XXXXXXX
msg: "HOST: [ *{{ inventory_hostname }}* ], TITLE: [ *VM Setting Ansible Playbook* ] \nUSER: [ *{{ USER_NAME }}* ], VNC_PORT: [ *{{ VNC_PORT_CORE }}{{ VNC_PORT }}* ] *Completed!*"
channel: "#ansible"
username: "Ansible HOST on {{ inventory_hostname }}"
color: good
icon_url: ""
link_names: 0
`Virtualization 구성`에 대한 Playbook 분석
* [ ] 검증된 VM Image를 배포한다(copy, shell 모듈).
* [ ] questfish 툴을 이용하여, 실제 VM에 네트워킹/호스트네임/패스워드를 설정한다(shell 모듈).
* [ ] Jinja2 템플릿을 이용하여, Libvirtd의 XML을 설정한다.
## playbook 실행
# ansible-playbook -i hosts vm_install.yml
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