ndb_database.test 2.99 KB
--source include/ndb_have_online_alter.inc
-- source include/have_ndb.inc

drop database if exists mysqltest;

# Check that all tables in a database are dropped when database is dropped

create database mysqltest;
create table mysqltest.t1 (a int primary key, b int) engine=ndb;
use mysqltest;
show tables;

drop database mysqltest;
create database mysqltest;
use mysqltest;
show tables;

drop database mysqltest;

# End of 4.1 tests

# bug#52225 - special characters in database name
create database `mysqltest.db`;
create table `mysqltest.db`.t1 (a int primary key, b int) engine=ndb;
alter offline table `mysqltest.db`.t1 add column c int;
alter online table `mysqltest.db`.t1 add column d int column_format dynamic;
drop table `mysqltest.db`.t1;
drop database `mysqltest.db`;
# bug# 54788 DROP DATABASE can remove hidden blob tables without removing parent tables
# Dropping a database on a server where Ndb tables with Blobs were
# 'occluded' by a local table can result in Blob part tables being
# deleted, but the main table not being deleted.
--source include/have_multi_ndb.inc
--connection server1
# Create database with occluding table t1
create database newdb;
create table newdb.t1 (a int primary key) engine=myisam;

--connection server2
# Create Ndb table with Blobs
# Lots of Blobs to increase prob. that Ndb-list-objects returns a
# Blob part table before the main table.
# drop table if exists used to avoid 'table already exists' error on
# embedded where there is only one server (and this problem cannot be
# tested).
# Drop of non-existing table generates a warning on non-embedded, so 
# warnings disabled.
drop table if exists newdb.t1;

create table newdb.t1 (a int primary key,
                       b1  blob,
                       b2  blob,
                       b3  blob,
                       b4  blob,
                       b5  blob,
                       b6  blob,
                       b7  blob,
                       b8  blob,
                       b9  blob,
                       b10 blob,
                       b11 blob,
                       b12 blob,
                       b13 blob,
                       b14 blob,
                       b15 blob,
                       b16 blob,
                       b17 blob,
                       b18 blob,
                       b19 blob,
                       b20 blob,
                       b21 blob,
                       b22 blob,
                       b23 blob,
                       b24 blob,
                       b25 blob,
                       b26 blob,
                       b27 blob,
                       b28 blob,
                       b29 blob) engine = ndb;

--connection server1
drop database newdb;

--connection server2
# Now check that the table is gone
create database newdb;
use newdb;
show tables;

# Check that we can reuse the table name etc.
create table newdb.t1(a int primary key) engine=ndb;
show tables;
drop table t1;
drop database newdb;