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# WL2540 replication events checksum
# Testing configuration parameters

--source include/not_gtid_enabled.inc
--source include/master-slave.inc
--source include/have_debug.inc
--source include/have_binlog_format_mixed.inc

call mtr.add_suppression('Slave can not handle replication events with the checksum that master is configured to log');
call mtr.add_suppression('Replication event checksum verification failed');
# due to C failure simulation
call mtr.add_suppression('Relay log write failure: could not queue event from master');
call mtr.add_suppression('Event crc check failed! Most likely there is event corruption');
call mtr.add_suppression('Slave SQL: Error initializing relay log position: I/O error reading event at position .*, Error_code: 1593');
call mtr.add_suppression('Master is configured to log replication events with checksum, but will not send such events to slaves that cannot process');

# A. read/write access to the global vars:
# binlog_checksum master_verify_checksum slave_sql_verify_checksum

connection master;

set @master_save_binlog_checksum= @@global.binlog_checksum;
set @save_master_verify_checksum =  @@global.master_verify_checksum;

select @@global.binlog_checksum as 'must be CRC32 because of the command line option';
select @@session.binlog_checksum as 'no session var';

select @@global.master_verify_checksum  as 'must be zero because of default';
select @@session.master_verify_checksum  as 'no session var';

connection slave;

set @slave_save_binlog_checksum= @@global.binlog_checksum;
set @save_slave_sql_verify_checksum = @@global.slave_sql_verify_checksum;

select @@global.slave_sql_verify_checksum  as 'must be one because of default';
select @@session.slave_sql_verify_checksum  as 'no session var';

connection master;

source include/show_binary_logs.inc;
set @@global.binlog_checksum = NONE;
--echo  *** must be rotations seen ***
source include/show_binary_logs.inc;

set @@global.binlog_checksum = default;

# testing lack of side-effects in non-effective update of binlog_checksum:
set @@global.binlog_checksum = CRC32;
set @@global.binlog_checksum = CRC32; 

set @@global.master_verify_checksum = 0;
set @@global.master_verify_checksum = default;

set @@global.binlog_checksum = ADLER32;
set @@global.master_verify_checksum = 2; # the var is of bool type

connection slave;

set @@global.slave_sql_verify_checksum = 0;
set @@global.slave_sql_verify_checksum = default;
set @@global.slave_sql_verify_checksum = 2; # the var is of bool type

# B. Old Slave to New master conditions
# while master does not send a checksum-ed binlog the Old Slave can
# work with the New Master

connection master;

set @@global.binlog_checksum = NONE;
create table t1 (a int);

# testing that binlog rotation preserves opt_binlog_checksum value
flush logs;
flush logs;
flush logs;

#connection slave;
# checking that rotation on the slave side leaves slave stable
flush logs;
flush logs;
flush logs;
select count(*) as zero from t1;

source include/stop_slave.inc;

connection master;
set @@global.binlog_checksum = CRC32;
insert into t1 values (1) /* will not be applied on slave due to simulation */;

# instruction to the dump thread

connection slave;
set @@global.debug='d,simulate_slave_unaware_checksum';
start slave;
let $slave_io_errno= 1236; # ER_MASTER_FATAL_ERROR_READING_BINLOG
--let $show_slave_io_error= 1
# Mask line numbers
--let $slave_io_error_replace= / at [0-9]*/ at XXX/
source include/wait_for_slave_io_error.inc;

select count(*) as zero from t1;

###connection master;

# *always* make sure the slave threads are stopped 
# or in waiting state before updating the global debug
# variable (see BUG#11765758 for details).
--source include/stop_slave.inc
set @@global.debug='';

connection slave;
source include/start_slave.inc;

# C. checksum failure simulations

# C1. Failure by a client thread
connection master;
set @@global.master_verify_checksum = 1;
set @@session.debug='d,simulate_checksum_test_failure';
show binlog events;
set @@session.debug='';
set @@global.master_verify_checksum = default;

#connection master;

connection slave;
source include/stop_slave.inc;

connection master;
create table t2 (a int);
let $pos_master= query_get_value(SHOW MASTER STATUS, Position, 1);

connection slave;

# C2. Failure by IO thread
# instruction to io thread
set @@global.debug='d,simulate_checksum_test_failure';
start slave io_thread;
let $slave_io_errno= 1595, 1743;
--let $show_slave_io_error= 0
source include/wait_for_slave_io_error.inc;
# no need to stop the IO thread, it is already stopped
set @@global.debug='';

# to make IO thread re-read it again w/o the failure
start slave io_thread;
--connection master
--source include/sync_slave_io_with_master.inc

# C3. Failure by SQL thread
# instruction to sql thread;
set @@global.slave_sql_verify_checksum = 1;
set @@global.debug='d,simulate_checksum_test_failure';
start slave sql_thread;
let $slave_sql_errno= 1593; # ER_SLAVE_FATAL_ERROR
--let $show_slave_sql_error= 1
source include/wait_for_slave_sql_error.inc;
--source include/stop_slave.inc
# resuming SQL thread to parse out the event w/o the failure
set @@global.debug=''; 
source include/start_slave.inc;

connection master;

#connection slave;
select count(*) as 'must be zero' from t2;

# D. Reset slave, Change-Master, Binlog & Relay-log rotations with 
#    random value on binlog_checksum on both master and slave
connection slave;
stop slave;
reset slave;
reset master;

# randomize slave server's own checksum policy
set @@global.binlog_checksum= IF(floor((rand()*1000)%2), "CRC32", "NONE");
flush logs;

connection master;
set @@global.binlog_checksum= CRC32;
reset master;
flush logs;
create table t3 (a int, b char(5));

connection slave;
source include/start_slave.inc;

connection master;

#connection slave;
select count(*) as 'must be zero' from t3;
source include/stop_slave.inc;
--replace_column 2 ####
eval change master to master_host='',master_port=$MASTER_MYPORT, master_user='root';

connection master;
flush logs;
reset master;
insert into t3 value (1, @@global.binlog_checksum);

connection slave;
source include/start_slave.inc;
flush logs;

connection master;

#connection slave;
select count(*) as 'must be one' from t3;

connection master;
set @@global.binlog_checksum= IF(floor((rand()*1000)%2), "CRC32", "NONE");
insert into t3 value (1, @@global.binlog_checksum);

#connection slave;


connection master;
drop table t1, t2, t3;
set @@global.binlog_checksum = @master_save_binlog_checksum;
set @@global.master_verify_checksum = @save_master_verify_checksum;

# BUG#58564: flush_read_lock fails in mysql-trunk-bugfixing after merging with WL#2540
# Sanity check that verifies that no assertions are triggered because
# of old FD events (generated by versions prior to server released with 
# checksums feature)
# There is no need for query log, if something wrong this should trigger
# an assertion




#connection slave;
set @@global.binlog_checksum = @slave_save_binlog_checksum;
set @@global.slave_sql_verify_checksum = @save_slave_sql_verify_checksum;

--source include/rpl_end.inc