ndbapi.test 1.98 KB
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-- source include/have_ndb.inc
-- source include/have_ndbapi_examples.inc

drop database if exists mysqltest;
--let MASTER_MYSOCK=`select @@socket`;

--exec echo Running ndbapi_simple

--exec echo Running ndbapi_simple_index
--exec $NDB_EXAMPLES_DIR/ndbapi_simple_index/ndbapi_simple_index $MASTER_MYSOCK "$NDB_CONNECTSTRING" >> $NDB_EXAMPLES_OUTPUT

--exec echo Running ndbapi_scan

--exec echo Running ndbapi_retries

--exec echo Running ndbapi_async

--exec echo Running ndbapi_async1

use TEST_DB;
create table t0(c0 int, c1 int, c2 char(4), c3 char(4), c4 text,
                primary key(c0, c2)) engine ndb charset latin1;
#--exec echo Running ndbapi_event
#--exec $NDB_EXAMPLES_DIR/ndbapi_event/ndbapi_event "$NDB_CONNECTSTRING" 1 >> $NDB_EXAMPLES_OUTPUT
insert into t0 values (1, 2, 'a', 'b', null);
insert into t0 values (3, 4, 'c', 'd', null);
update t0 set c3 = 'e' where c0 = 1 and c2 = 'a'; # use pk
update t0 set c3 = 'f'; # use scan
update t0 set c3 = 'F'; # use scan update to 'same'
update t0 set c2 = 'g' where c0 = 1; # update pk part
update t0 set c2 = 'G' where c0 = 1; # update pk part to 'same'
update t0 set c0 = 5, c2 = 'H' where c0 = 3; # update full PK
delete from t0;
drop table t0;
drop database TEST_DB;
drop database TEST_DB_1;

--exec echo Running mgmapi_logevent
--exec $NDB_EXAMPLES_DIR/mgmapi_logevent/mgmapi_logevent "$NDB_CONNECTSTRING" 1 >> $NDB_EXAMPLES_OUTPUT