mysql_plugin.result 3.88 KB
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call mtr.add_suppression('InnoDB: Resizing redo log');
call mtr.add_suppression('InnoDB: Starting to delete and rewrite log files');
call mtr.add_suppression('InnoDB: New log files created');
# Ensure the plugin isn't loaded.
SELECT * FROM mysql.plugin WHERE dl like 'libdaemon%' ORDER BY name;
name	dl
# Enable the plugin...
# Simulate loading a plugin libary with multiple entry points.
# This will test the DISABLE to ensure all rows are removed.
INSERT INTO mysql.plugin VALUES ('wicky', '');
INSERT INTO mysql.plugin VALUES ('wacky', '');
INSERT INTO mysql.plugin VALUES ('wonky', '');
# Ensure the plugin is now loaded.
SELECT * FROM mysql.plugin WHERE dl like 'libdaemon%' ORDER BY name;
name	dl
# Ensure the plugin is loaded.
SELECT * FROM mysql.plugin WHERE dl like '%libdaemon%' ORDER BY name;
name	dl
# Ensure the plugin is replaced.
SELECT * FROM mysql.plugin WHERE dl like '%libdaemon%' ORDER BY name;
name	dl
# Disable the plugin...
# Ensure the plugin isn't loaded.
SELECT * FROM mysql.plugin WHERE dl like '%libdaemon%' ORDER BY name;
name	dl
# Attempt to load non-existant plugin
ERROR: Cannot read plugin config file NOT_THERE_AT_ALL. File does not exist.
# Attempt to use non-existant plugin.ini file
ERROR: Cannot read plugin config file daemon_example. File does not exist.
# Attempt to omit the plugin
ERROR: No plugin specified.
# Attempt to omit DISABLE|ENABLE
ERROR: missing operation. Please specify either '<plugin> ENABLE' or '<plugin> DISABLE'.
# Attempt to use bad paths - datadir
ERROR: Cannot access datadir at '/data_not_there/'.
# Attempt to use bad paths - basedir
ERROR: Cannot access basedir at '/basedir_not_there/'.
# Attempt to use bad paths - plugin_dir
ERROR: Cannot read plugin config file daemon_example. File does not exist.
# Attempt to use bad paths - mysqld
ERROR: Cannot access mysqld path '/mysqld_not_there/'.
# Attempt to use bad paths - my_print_defaults
ERROR: Cannot access my-print-defaults path '/my_print_defaults_not_there/'.
# Missing library
ERROR: The plugin library is missing or in a different location.
# Bad format for config file
ERROR: Cannot read plugin config file daemon_example. Bad format in plugin configuration file.
# Missing base_dir option
ERROR: Missing --basedir option.
# Missing data_dir option
ERROR: Missing --datadir option.
# Missing plugin_dir option
ERROR: Missing --plugin_dir option.
# Show the help.
mysql_plugin  Ver V.V.VV Distrib XX.XX.XX
Copyright (c) 2011, 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Enable or disable plugins.

Usage: mysql_plugin [options] <plugin> ENABLE|DISABLE

  -?, --help          Display this help and exit.
  -b, --basedir=name  The basedir for the server.
  -d, --datadir=name  The datadir for the server.
  -p, --plugin-dir=name 
                      The plugin dir for the server.
  -i, --plugin-ini=name 
                      Read plugin information from configuration file specified
                      instead of from <plugin-dir>/<plugin_name>.ini.
  -n, --no-defaults   Do not read values from configuration file.
  -P, --print-defaults 
                      Show default values from configuration file.
  -m, --mysqld=name   Path to mysqld executable. Example: /sbin/temp1/mysql/bin
  -f, --my-print-defaults=name 
                      Path to my_print_defaults executable. Example:
  -v, --verbose       More verbose output; you can use this multiple times to
                      get even more verbose output.
  -V, --version       Output version information and exit.

mysql_plugin  Ver V.V.VV Distrib XX.XX.XX