-- source include/have_ssl_crypto_functs.inc

drop table if exists t1;

create table t1 (x blob);
insert into t1 values (des_encrypt('The quick red fox jumped over the lazy brown dog','The quick red fox jumped over the lazy brown dog'));
insert into t1 values (des_encrypt('a','The quick red fox jumped over the lazy brown dog'));
insert into t1 values (des_encrypt('The quick red fox jumped over the lazy brown dog','a'));
insert into t1 values (des_encrypt('ab','The quick red fox jumped over the lazy brown dog'));
insert into t1 values (des_encrypt('The quick red fox jumped over the lazy brown dog','ab'));
insert into t1 values (des_encrypt('abc','The quick red fox jumped over the lazy brown dog'));
insert into t1 values (des_encrypt('The quick red fox jumped over the lazy brown dog','abc'));
insert into t1 values (des_encrypt('abcd','The quick red fox jumped over the lazy brown dog'));
insert into t1 values (des_encrypt('The quick red fox jumped over the lazy brown dog','abcd'));
insert into t1 values (des_encrypt('abcde','The quick red fox jumped over the lazy brown dog'));
insert into t1 values (des_encrypt('The quick red fox jumped over the lazy brown dog','abcde'));
insert into t1 values (des_encrypt('abcdef','The quick red fox jumped over the lazy brown dog'));
insert into t1 values (des_encrypt('The quick red fox jumped over the lazy brown dog','abcdef'));
insert into t1 values (des_encrypt('abcdefg','The quick red fox jumped over the lazy brown dog'));
insert into t1 values (des_encrypt('The quick red fox jumped over the lazy brown dog','abcdefg'));
insert into t1 values (des_encrypt('abcdefgh','The quick red fox jumped over the lazy brown dog'));
insert into t1 values (des_encrypt('The quick red fox jumped over the lazy brown dog','abcdefgh'));
insert into t1 values (des_encrypt('abcdefghi','The quick red fox jumped over the lazy brown dog'));
insert into t1 values (des_encrypt('The quick red fox jumped over the lazy brown dog','abcdefghi'));
insert into t1 values (des_encrypt('abcdefghij','The quick red fox jumped over the lazy brown dog'));
insert into t1 values (des_encrypt('The quick red fox jumped over the lazy brown dog','abcdefghij'));
insert into t1 values (des_encrypt('abcdefghijk','The quick red fox jumped over the lazy brown dog'));
insert into t1 values (des_encrypt('The quick red fox jumped over the lazy brown dog','abcdefghijk'));
insert into t1 values (des_encrypt('The quick red fox jumped over the lazy brown dog','sabakala'));
insert into t1 values (des_encrypt('quick red fox jumped over the lazy brown dog','sabakala'));
insert into t1 values (des_encrypt('red fox jumped over the lazy brown dog','sabakala'));
insert into t1 values (des_encrypt('fox jumped over the lazy brown dog','sabakala'));
insert into t1 values (des_encrypt('jumped over the lazy brown dog','sabakala'));
insert into t1 values (des_encrypt('over the lazy brown dog','sabakala'));
insert into t1 values (des_encrypt('the lazy brown dog','sabakala'));
insert into t1 values (des_encrypt('lazy brown dog','sabakala'));
insert into t1 values (des_encrypt('brown dog','sabakala'));
insert into t1 values (des_encrypt('dog','sabakala'));
insert into t1 values (des_encrypt('dog!','sabakala'));
insert into t1 values (des_encrypt('dog!!','sabakala'));
insert into t1 values (des_encrypt('dog!!!','sabakala'));
insert into t1 values (des_encrypt('dog!!!!','sabakala'));
insert into t1 values (des_encrypt('dog!!!!!','sabakala'));
insert into t1 values (des_encrypt('jumped over the lazy brown dog','sabakala'));
insert into t1 values (des_encrypt('jumped over the lazy brown dog','sabakala'));
select hex(x), hex(des_decrypt(x,'sabakala')) from t1;
select des_decrypt(x,'sabakala') as s from t1 having s like '%dog%';
drop table t1;

# Test default keys
select hex(des_encrypt("hello")),des_decrypt(des_encrypt("hello"));
select des_decrypt(des_encrypt("hello",4));
select des_decrypt(des_encrypt("hello",'test'),'test');
select hex(des_encrypt("hello")),hex(des_encrypt("hello",5)),hex(des_encrypt("hello",'default_password'));
select des_decrypt(des_encrypt("hello"),'default_password');
select des_decrypt(des_encrypt("hello",4),'password4');

# Test use of invalid parameters
select des_encrypt("hello",10);
select des_encrypt(NULL);
select des_encrypt(NULL, 10);
select des_encrypt(NULL, NULL);
select des_encrypt(10, NULL);
select des_encrypt("hello", NULL);

select des_decrypt("hello",10);
select des_decrypt(NULL);
select des_decrypt(NULL, 10);
select des_decrypt(NULL, NULL);
select des_decrypt(10, NULL);
select des_decrypt("hello", NULL);

# Test flush
SET @a=des_decrypt(des_encrypt("hello"));
flush des_key_file;
select @a = des_decrypt(des_encrypt("hello"));

# Test usage of wrong password
select hex("hello");
select hex(des_decrypt(des_encrypt("hello",4),'password2'));
select hex(des_decrypt(des_encrypt("hello","hidden")));

explain extended select des_decrypt(des_encrypt("hello",4),'password2'), des_decrypt(des_encrypt("hello","hidden"));

# End of 4.1 tests

# Bug#44365 valgrind warnings with encrypt() function
drop table if exists t1;
create table t1 (f1 smallint(6) default null, f2  mediumtext character set utf8)
engine=myisam default charset=latin1;
insert into t1 values (null,'contraction\'s');
insert into t1 values (-15818,'requirement\'s');
select encrypt(f1,f2) as a from t1,(select encrypt(f1,f2) as b from t1) a;
drop table t1;