#Want to skip this test from daily Valgrind execution
--source include/no_valgrind_without_big.inc
# WL#5569 MTS
# The test checks correctness of replication and can be used for 
# benchmarking and comparision with results of its sequential
# counterpart rpl_sequential.test.
# Both tests leave mysqld.2/data/test/delta.out file
# that contains a row with two columns.
#  1. the duration (in seconds) of execution on the master
#  2. the duration of execution on the slave
#  The 2nd column of the rpl_parallel can be compared with the 2nd of rpl_sequential.test.
#  The duration recorded in the file accounts the SQL thread/workers work.
#  That is benchmarking on the slave side is effectively started with
#  `start slave sql_thread'.
# Example of usage.
# To gather a collection of figures:
#  mysql-test$ export slave;
#  mysql-test$ slave=parallel; for n in `seq 1 10`; 
#  do ./mtr  --vardir=/dev/shm/var1 --mtr-build-thread=765 rpl_$slave 
#             --mysqld=--binlog-format=statement; 
#     find /dev/shm/var1 -name delta.out -exec cat {} \; | cat >> delta.$slave.log; 
#  done
# mysql-test$ slave=sequential; ...
# In the end there will be mysql-test/delta.{parallel,sequential}.log files.

--source include/master-slave.inc

connection master;
source extra/rpl_tests/rpl_parallel_load.test;

--source include/rpl_end.inc