# ==== Purpose ====
# This test is executed twice for each test case. Before every
# testcase it is run with mysqltest in record mode and will thus
# produce an output file that can be compared to output from after the
# tescase.  In that way, it is possible to check that a testcase does
# not have any unwanted side affects.


# We want to ensure all slave configuration is restored.  But SHOW
# SLAVE STATUS returns nothing for servers not configured as slaves,
# and (after BUG#28796 was fixed) there is no way to de-configure a
# slave.  Hence, it's impossible to clean up the replication state at
# the end.  But we want to check that the slave is stopped, there is
# no error, and a few other invariants.  So we issue SHOW SLAVE
# STATUS, and if it returns no rows we fake the result.
--let $tmp= 0
if (`SELECT @@server_id <> 0`)
  --let $tmp= query_get_value(SHOW SLAVE STATUS, Slave_IO_Running, 1)
  --let $tmp= `SELECT '$tmp' = 'No such row'`
if ($tmp)
  # Note: after WL#5177, fields 13-18 shall not be filtered-out.
  --echo Slave_IO_State	
  --echo Master_Host
  --echo Master_User	root
  --echo Master_Port	#
  --echo Connect_Retry	#
  --echo Master_Log_File	#
  --echo Read_Master_Log_Pos	#
  --echo Relay_Log_File	#
  --echo Relay_Log_Pos	#
  --echo Relay_Master_Log_File	#
  --echo Slave_IO_Running	No
  --echo Slave_SQL_Running	No
  --echo Replicate_Do_DB	#
  --echo Replicate_Ignore_DB	#
  --echo Replicate_Do_Table	#
  --echo Replicate_Ignore_Table	#
  --echo Replicate_Wild_Do_Table	#
  --echo Replicate_Wild_Ignore_Table	#
  --echo Last_Errno	0
  --echo Last_Error	
  --echo Skip_Counter	0
  --echo Exec_Master_Log_Pos	#
  --echo Relay_Log_Space	#
  --echo Until_Condition	#
  --echo Until_Log_File	#
  --echo Until_Log_Pos	#
  --echo Master_SSL_Allowed	No
  --echo Master_SSL_CA_File	
  --echo Master_SSL_CA_Path	
  --echo Master_SSL_Cert	
  --echo Master_SSL_Cipher	
  --echo Master_SSL_Key	
  --echo Seconds_Behind_Master	NULL
  --echo Master_SSL_Verify_Server_Cert	No
  --echo Last_IO_Errno	0
  --echo Last_IO_Error	
  --echo Last_SQL_Errno	0
  --echo Last_SQL_Error	
  --echo Replicate_Ignore_Server_Ids	
  --echo Master_Server_Id	#
  --echo Master_UUID	#
  --echo Master_Info_File	#
  --echo SQL_Delay	0
  --echo SQL_Remaining_Delay	NULL
  --echo Slave_SQL_Running_State	
  --echo Master_Retry_Count	#
  --echo Master_Bind	
  --echo Last_IO_Error_Timestamp	
  --echo Last_SQL_Error_Timestamp	
  --echo Master_SSL_Crl	
  --echo Master_SSL_Crlpath	
  --echo Retrieved_Gtid_Set	#
  --echo Executed_Gtid_Set	#
  --echo Auto_Position	0
if (!$tmp) {
  # Note: after WL#5177, fields 13-18 shall not be filtered-out.
  --replace_column 4 # 5 # 6 # 7 # 8 # 9 # 10 # 13 # 14 # 15 # 16 # 17 # 18 # 22 # 23 # 24 # 25 # 26 # 40 # 41 # 42 # 46 # 52 # 53 #

call mtr.check_testcase();