Commit 464a0bfd authored by nuxer's avatar nuxer

MHA 구성 init

parent cef2f65a
# MHA 개요
- **Yoshinori Matsunobu**에 의해 2011년 07월 23일 MHA 0.50이 Release 되었다.
- MHA는 최소한의 Down Time으로 Master를 장애조치 하고, Slave를 새로운 Master로 선출하여 서비스 가동이 정상적으로 수행되도록 하는 Auto Failover 솔루션이다.
- 각 노드(Master 및 Slave)를 자동으로 전환하며, Master와 Slave의 데이터를 동일하게 유지한다.
- 자동 Master 모니터와 Failover를 지원한다.
- 대화형 Master Failover 및 비대화형 Master Failover를 지원하며, 수동으로 장애 조치가 가능하다.
- 기존 **MySQL 5.0 이후부터 사용이 가능**하며, `DBMS의 성능에 전혀 영향을 주지 않는다.`
# MHA 주요 기능
- MySQL 5.6 GTID 지원
- MySQL 5.6 Multi-Thread Slave 지원
- MySQL 5.6 Binlog checksum 지원
- mysqlbinlog streaming host 지원
- mysqlbinlog 위치 지원
- ping_type= Select / Connect 외에 Insert 추가
- master_ip_online_change_script에 --orig_master_is_new_slave, --orig_master_ssh_user and --new_master_ssh_user option 추가
# MHA Pre-Requirement
- Master 서버와 Slave 서버는 **사전에 Replication 구성(연결)이 되어있어야 한다.**
- **모든 서버**는 공개 SSH 키를 사용하여 서로 접속할 수 있어야한다.
- **모든 서버**는 서로의 MySQL 서버에 접속할 수 있어야한다.
- **모든 서버**는 동일한 복제용 유저 및 비밀번호를 가져야한다.
- MySQL 버전은 **5.0 이상이어야한다.**
- `마스터 후보(candidate_master=1)`는 바이너리 로그를 사용하도록 설정해야한다.
- **바이너리로그 변수**는 모든 서버에서 동일하게 설정해야한다(replicate-wild, binlog-do-db…).
# MHA 시스템 환경구성
| NO | 구분 | IP주소 | 마스터 후보 | 비고 |
| ------ | ------ | ------ | ------ | ------ |
| 1 | **MASTER** |, **Active** | `O` | |
| 2 | **MASTER** |, **Active Backup** | `O` | |
| 3 | SLAVE |, Slave01 | `X` | |
| 4 | SLAVE |, Slave02 | `X` | |
| 5 | SLAVE |, Slave03 | `X` | |
| 6 | MHA |, Slave01 | `X` | Manager |
| 7 | VIP |, Slave01 | `X` | 서비스 VIP |
# MHA 시스템 구성
* [ **ALL** ] mha 사용자 생성 및 sudo 설정
* [ **MASTER** ] MHA DB 생성
* [ **ALL** ] SSH RSA-Key 설정
* [ **ALL** ] MHA Manager / Node 패키지 설치
* [ **MANAGER** ] MHA Manager 설정 및 스크립트 작성
* [ **MANAGER** ] SSH / Replication 검증
- [ **ALL** ] mha 사용자 생성 및 sudo 설정
# useradd -g mysql mhauser -d /MHA
# echo ghdwngkstjqj |passwd --stdin mhauser
* Debian/Ubuntu의 경우 --stdin 옵션이 지원되지않으므로, 다음과 같이 수행해야 한다.
# adduser --home /MHA mhauser
...패스워드를 설정할 것!
# cat /etc/sudoers
# Defaults specification
Cmnd_Alias MHA = /usr/sbin/ip, /usr/sbin/ifconfig, /usr/sbin/arping <= 추가
root ALL=(ALL) ALL
mhauser ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:MHA <= 추가
* Debian/Ubuntu의 경우 ip,ifconfig 명령의 경로가 아래와 같다.
Cmnd_Alias MHA = /sbin/ip, /sbin/ifconfig, /usr/sbin/arping <= 추가
`!중요` : mha 사용자 계정을 root 유저로 하는 것은 보안적으로 권장되지 않는다.
mhauser의 $HOMEDIR 및 기본 디렉토리를 생성한다.
# mkdir -p /MHA/conf
# mkdir -p /MHA/scripts
# mkdir -p /MHA/logs
# chown -R mhauser.mysql /MHA
- [ **MASTER** ] MHA DB 생성
Replication에서 사용되어야하는 유저의 DB를 생성한다.
MariaDB [(none)]> use mysql;
Reading table information for completion of table and column names
You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -A
Database changed
MariaDB [mysql]> grant all privileges on *.* to 'mhauser'@'' identified by '패스워드';
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.003 sec)
MariaDB [mysql]> grant all privileges on *.* to 'mhauser'@'' identified by '패스워드';
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.001 sec)
MariaDB [mysql]> grant all privileges on *.* to 'mhauser'@'' identified by '패스워드';
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.001 sec)
MariaDB [mysql]> grant all privileges on *.* to 'mhauser'@'' identified by '패스워드';
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.001 sec)
MariaDB [mysql]> grant all privileges on *.* to 'mhauser'@'' identified by '패스워드';
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.001 sec)
MariaDB [mysql]> grant all privileges on *.* to 'mhauser'@'' identified by '패스워드';
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.001 sec)
- [ **ALL** ] SSH RSA-Key 설정
`!중요` : 이 설정은 특정 서버를 기준으로 rsa-key를 생성하는것이 아닌, 전체 서버가 양방향으로 패스워드없이 접속이 가능하도록 수행하여야 한다.
$ id
$ ssh-keygen -t rsa
Generating public/private rsa key pair.
엔터 3번 입력
$ ssh-copy-id -p 22222 mhauser@현재서버를 제외한 모든 IP
- [ **ALL** ] MHA Manager / Node 패키지 설치
`!중요` : MHA 0.57 이하 버전의 경우 Replication 체크 및 Auto Failover 기능이 정상적으로 동작하지 않는다. 따라서 최소 0.57 이상의 버전을 사용해야 한다.
1. **MHA Manager** 패키지 설처
**!참고** : Manager 패키지를 설치하기 전에 **사전에 Node 패키지 설치해야** 한다.
패키지를 다음과 같이 다운로드 한다.
# wget
# wget
다음과 같이 **Linux 배포판에 따라 패키지를 사전에 먼저 설치해야 한다.**
* Debian 계열
# apt-get install libmodule-install-perl libconfig-tiny-perl # apt install liblog-dispatch-perl libparallel-forkmanager-perl
# redhat 계열
# yum install epel-release
# yum install perl-Compress-Raw-Bzip2 perl-Compress-Raw-Zlib perl-DBD-MySQL perl-DBI perl-Data-Dumper perl-IO-Compress perl-Net-Daemon perl-PlRPC perl-CPAN perl-core perl-ExtUtils-Manifest
`먼저 Node 패키지를 설치`한다.
# perl Makefile.PL
*** Module::AutoInstall version 1.06
*** Checking for Perl dependencies...
[Core Features]
- DBI ...loaded. (1.636)
- DBD::mysql ...loaded. (4.041)
*** Module::AutoInstall configuration finished.
Checking if your kit is complete...
Looks good
Generating a Unix-style Makefile
Writing Makefile for mha4mysql::node
Writing MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json
# make
cp lib/MHA/ blib/lib/MHA/
cp lib/MHA/ blib/lib/MHA/
cp lib/MHA/ blib/lib/MHA/
cp lib/MHA/ blib/lib/MHA/
cp lib/MHA/ blib/lib/MHA/
cp lib/MHA/ blib/lib/MHA/
cp lib/MHA/ blib/lib/MHA/
cp lib/MHA/ blib/lib/MHA/
cp lib/MHA/ blib/lib/MHA/
cp bin/purge_relay_logs blib/script/purge_relay_logs
"/usr/bin/perl" "-Iinc" -MExtUtils::MY -e 'MY->fixin(shift)' -- blib/script/purge_relay_logs
cp bin/filter_mysqlbinlog blib/script/filter_mysqlbinlog
"/usr/bin/perl" "-Iinc" -MExtUtils::MY -e 'MY->fixin(shift)' -- blib/script/filter_mysqlbinlog
cp bin/save_binary_logs blib/script/save_binary_logs
"/usr/bin/perl" "-Iinc" -MExtUtils::MY -e 'MY->fixin(shift)' -- blib/script/save_binary_logs
cp bin/apply_diff_relay_logs blib/script/apply_diff_relay_logs
"/usr/bin/perl" "-Iinc" -MExtUtils::MY -e 'MY->fixin(shift)' -- blib/script/apply_diff_relay_logs
Manifying 4 pod documents
# make install
Manifying 4 pod documents
Installing /usr/local/share/perl/5.24.1/MHA/
Installing /usr/local/share/perl/5.24.1/MHA/
Installing /usr/local/share/perl/5.24.1/MHA/
Installing /usr/local/share/perl/5.24.1/MHA/
Installing /usr/local/share/perl/5.24.1/MHA/
Installing /usr/local/share/perl/5.24.1/MHA/
Installing /usr/local/share/perl/5.24.1/MHA/
Installing /usr/local/share/perl/5.24.1/MHA/
Installing /usr/local/share/perl/5.24.1/MHA/
Installing /usr/local/man/man1/purge_relay_logs.1p
Installing /usr/local/man/man1/filter_mysqlbinlog.1p
Installing /usr/local/man/man1/save_binary_logs.1p
Installing /usr/local/man/man1/apply_diff_relay_logs.1p
Installing /usr/local/bin/purge_relay_logs
Installing /usr/local/bin/apply_diff_relay_logs
Installing /usr/local/bin/save_binary_logs
Installing /usr/local/bin/filter_mysqlbinlog
Appending installation info to /usr/local/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/perl/5.24.1/perllocal.pod
**위와 같이 Node 패키지의 설치가 완료되었으면**, 아래와 같이 Manager 패키지를 설치한다.
# perl Makefile.PL
*** Module::AutoInstall version 1.06
*** Checking for Perl dependencies...
[Core Features]
- DBI ...loaded. (1.636)
- DBD::mysql ...loaded. (4.041)
- Time::HiRes ...loaded. (1.9733)
- Config::Tiny ...loaded. (2.23)
- Log::Dispatch ...loaded. (2.58)
- Parallel::ForkManager ...loaded. (1.19)
- MHA::NodeConst ...loaded. (0.57)
*** Module::AutoInstall configuration finished.
Checking if your kit is complete...
Looks good
Generating a Unix-style Makefile
Writing Makefile for mha4mysql::manager
Writing MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json
다음과 같이 make; make install을 수행하면 설치가 완료된다.
# make
cp lib/MHA/ blib/lib/MHA/
cp lib/MHA/ blib/lib/MHA/
cp lib/MHA/ blib/lib/MHA/
cp lib/MHA/ blib/lib/MHA/
cp lib/MHA/ blib/lib/MHA/
cp lib/MHA/ blib/lib/MHA/
cp lib/MHA/ blib/lib/MHA/
cp lib/MHA/ blib/lib/MHA/
cp lib/MHA/ blib/lib/MHA/
cp bin/filter_mysqlbinlog blib/script/filter_mysqlbinlog
/usr/bin/perl "-Iinc" -MExtUtils::MY -e 'MY->fixin(shift)' -- blib/script/filter_mysqlbinlog
cp bin/apply_diff_relay_logs blib/script/apply_diff_relay_logs
/usr/bin/perl "-Iinc" -MExtUtils::MY -e 'MY->fixin(shift)' -- blib/script/apply_diff_relay_logs
cp bin/purge_relay_logs blib/script/purge_relay_logs
/usr/bin/perl "-Iinc" -MExtUtils::MY -e 'MY->fixin(shift)' -- blib/script/purge_relay_logs
cp bin/save_binary_logs blib/script/save_binary_logs
/usr/bin/perl "-Iinc" -MExtUtils::MY -e 'MY->fixin(shift)' -- blib/script/save_binary_logs
Manifying blib/man1/filter_mysqlbinlog.1
Manifying blib/man1/apply_diff_relay_logs.1
Manifying blib/man1/purge_relay_logs.1
Manifying blib/man1/save_binary_logs.1
# make install
Installing /usr/local/share/perl5/MHA/
Installing /usr/local/share/perl5/MHA/
Installing /usr/local/share/perl5/MHA/
Installing /usr/local/share/perl5/MHA/
Installing /usr/local/share/perl5/MHA/
Installing /usr/local/share/perl5/MHA/
Installing /usr/local/share/perl5/MHA/
Installing /usr/local/share/perl5/MHA/
Installing /usr/local/share/perl5/MHA/
Installing /usr/local/share/man/man1/filter_mysqlbinlog.1
Installing /usr/local/share/man/man1/apply_diff_relay_logs.1
Installing /usr/local/share/man/man1/purge_relay_logs.1
Installing /usr/local/share/man/man1/save_binary_logs.1
Installing /usr/local/bin/filter_mysqlbinlog
Installing /usr/local/bin/apply_diff_relay_logs
Installing /usr/local/bin/purge_relay_logs
Installing /usr/local/bin/save_binary_logs
Appending installation info to /usr/lib64/perl5/perllocal.pod
2. **MHA Node** 패키지 설치
# perl Makefile.PL
*** Module::AutoInstall version 1.06
*** Checking for Perl dependencies...
[Core Features]
- DBI ...loaded. (1.636)
- DBD::mysql ...loaded. (4.041)
*** Module::AutoInstall configuration finished.
Checking if your kit is complete...
Looks good
Generating a Unix-style Makefile
Writing Makefile for mha4mysql::node
Writing MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json
# make
cp lib/MHA/ blib/lib/MHA/
cp lib/MHA/ blib/lib/MHA/
cp lib/MHA/ blib/lib/MHA/
cp lib/MHA/ blib/lib/MHA/
cp lib/MHA/ blib/lib/MHA/
cp lib/MHA/ blib/lib/MHA/
cp lib/MHA/ blib/lib/MHA/
cp lib/MHA/ blib/lib/MHA/
cp lib/MHA/ blib/lib/MHA/
cp bin/purge_relay_logs blib/script/purge_relay_logs
"/usr/bin/perl" "-Iinc" -MExtUtils::MY -e 'MY->fixin(shift)' -- blib/script/purge_relay_logs
cp bin/filter_mysqlbinlog blib/script/filter_mysqlbinlog
"/usr/bin/perl" "-Iinc" -MExtUtils::MY -e 'MY->fixin(shift)' -- blib/script/filter_mysqlbinlog
cp bin/save_binary_logs blib/script/save_binary_logs
"/usr/bin/perl" "-Iinc" -MExtUtils::MY -e 'MY->fixin(shift)' -- blib/script/save_binary_logs
cp bin/apply_diff_relay_logs blib/script/apply_diff_relay_logs
"/usr/bin/perl" "-Iinc" -MExtUtils::MY -e 'MY->fixin(shift)' -- blib/script/apply_diff_relay_logs
Manifying 4 pod documents
# make install
Manifying 4 pod documents
Installing /usr/local/share/perl/5.24.1/MHA/
Installing /usr/local/share/perl/5.24.1/MHA/
Installing /usr/local/share/perl/5.24.1/MHA/
Installing /usr/local/share/perl/5.24.1/MHA/
Installing /usr/local/share/perl/5.24.1/MHA/
Installing /usr/local/share/perl/5.24.1/MHA/
Installing /usr/local/share/perl/5.24.1/MHA/
Installing /usr/local/share/perl/5.24.1/MHA/
Installing /usr/local/share/perl/5.24.1/MHA/
Installing /usr/local/man/man1/purge_relay_logs.1p
Installing /usr/local/man/man1/filter_mysqlbinlog.1p
Installing /usr/local/man/man1/save_binary_logs.1p
Installing /usr/local/man/man1/apply_diff_relay_logs.1p
Installing /usr/local/bin/purge_relay_logs
Installing /usr/local/bin/apply_diff_relay_logs
Installing /usr/local/bin/save_binary_logs
Installing /usr/local/bin/filter_mysqlbinlog
Appending installation info to /usr/local/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/perl/5.24.1/perllocal.pod
- [ **MANAGER** ] MHA Manager 설정 및 스크립트 작성
# cat /MHA/conf/mha.cnf
[server default]
# working directory on the manager
# manager log file
> ** 설정파라미터 설명
- user, password : DB계정 및 암호
- ssh_user : ssh용 접속 계정
- repl_user,repl_password : replication 계정 및 암호
- manager_workdir : 매니저서버의 작업 공간
- manager_log : 매니저서버의 로그파일 위치
- **master_ip_failover_script** : 자동으로 페일오버를 수행하는 스크립트
- **master_ip_online_change_script** : 수동으로 페일오버를 수행하는 스크립트로 변수값을 명시해야 한다.
- **candidate_master = 1** : 장애 발생시 master가 될 지를 결정하는 설정 (후보 설정)
- no_master = 1 : master의 후보가 아님을 설정
**3. master_ip_failover 스크립트 작성**
**!참고** : 이 스크립트는 Master 시스템의 이슈발생 시 Master 후보군 서버로의 서비스 이관(Fail-Over)을 담당하는 스크립트 이다.
# chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/master_ip_failover
> 첨부된 master_ip_failover 스크립트 참조
**4. master_ip_online_change**
**!참고** : 이 스크립트는 Master 시스템이 유지보수 등에 대한 이슈로 인해 수동 Fail-Over를 담당하는 스크립트 이다.
# chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/master_ip_online_change
> 첨부된 master_ip_online_chage 스크립트 참조
- [ **MANAGER** ] SSH / Replication 검증
**1. 전체 구성 시스템의 SSH 접속 테스트 수행**
# su - mhauser
$ masterha_check_ssh --conf=/MHA/conf/mha.cnf
Tue Dec 1 00:26:34 2020 - [warning] Global configuration file /etc/masterha_default.cnf not found. Skipping.
Tue Dec 1 00:26:34 2020 - [info] Reading application default configuration from /MHA/conf/mha.cnf..
Tue Dec 1 00:26:34 2020 - [info] Reading server configuration from /MHA/conf/mha.cnf..
Tue Dec 1 00:26:34 2020 - [info] Starting SSH connection tests..
Tue Dec 1 00:26:39 2020 - [info] All SSH connection tests passed successfully.
**2. Replication 구성테스트 수행**
# su - mhauser
$ masterha_check_repl --conf=/MHA/conf/mha.cnf
Tue Dec 1 00:31:38 2020 - [warning] Global configuration file /etc/masterha_default.cnf not found. Skipping.
Tue Dec 1 00:31:38 2020 - [info] Reading application default configuration from /MHA/conf/mha.cnf..
Tue Dec 1 00:31:38 2020 - [info] Reading server configuration from /MHA/conf/mha.cnf..
Tue Dec 1 00:31:38 2020 - [info] MHA::MasterMonitor version 0.57.
IN SCRIPT TEST====sudo /usr/sbin/ifconfig eth1:0 down==sudo /usr/sbin/ifconfig eth1:0 netmask broadcast up===
Checking the Status of the script.. OK
Tue Dec 1 01:17:41 2020 - [info] OK.
Tue Dec 1 01:17:41 2020 - [warning] shutdown_script is not defined.
Tue Dec 1 01:17:41 2020 - [info] Got exit code 0 (Not master dead).
MySQL Replication Health is OK.
* [ **Issue 1** ] : [error][/usr/local/share/perl/5.24.1/MHA/, ln427] Error happened on checking configurations. Redundant argument in sprintf at /usr/local/share/perl/5.24.1/MHA/ line 184.
> MariaDB Version 차이에 따른 이슈로써 다음과 같이 Perl Module의 내용을 수정한다.
# cat /usr/local/share/perl/5.24.1/MHA/
sub parse_mysql_version($) {
my $str = shift;
($str) = $str =~ m/^[^-]*/g; <= 추가
my $result = sprintf( '%03d%03d%03d', $str =~ m/(\d+)/g );
return $result;
sub parse_mysql_major_version($) {
my $str = shift;
($str) = $str =~ m/^[^-]*/g; <= 추가
#my $result = sprintf( '%03d%03d', $str =~ m/(\d+)/g ); <= 주석
my $result = sprintf( '%03d%03d%03d', $str =~ m/(\d+)/g ); <= 변경
return $result;
* [ **Issue 2** ] : mysqlbinlog: unknown variable 'default-character-set=utf8mb4'
mysqlbinlog version command failed with rc 7:0, please verify PATH, LD_LIBRARY_PATH, and client options
at /usr/local/bin/apply_diff_relay_logs line 493.
[error][/usr/local/share/perl/5.24.1/MHA/, ln208] Slaves settings check failed!
[error][/usr/local/share/perl/5.24.1/MHA/, ln416] Slave configuration failed.
> my.cnf 파일에 잘못된 캐릭터 셋 파라미터가 설정되어서 발생된 에러로써 다음과 같이 주석처리하거나 제거해야 한다.
# cat my.cnf
port = 3306
socket = /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock
#default-character-set=utf8mb4 <= 이 파라미터가 원인이다. 주석처리를 해야한다.
#!/usr/bin/env perl
# use strict;
# use warnings FATAL => 'all';
use Getopt::Long;
my (
my $vip = '';
my $netmask = '';
my $broadcast = '';
my $key = "0";
my $ssh_start_vip = "sudo /usr/sbin/ifconfig eth1:$key $vip netmask $netmask broadcast $broadcast up";
my $ssh_stop_vip = "sudo /usr/sbin/ifconfig eth1:$key down";
my $ssh_mac_refresh = "sudo /usr/sbin/arping -c 4 -A -I eth1:$key $vip";
'command=s' => \$command,
'ssh_user=s' => \$ssh_user,
'orig_master_host=s' => \$orig_master_host,
'orig_master_ip=s' => \$orig_master_ip,
'orig_master_port=i' => \$orig_master_port,
'new_master_host=s' => \$new_master_host,
'new_master_ip=s' => \$new_master_ip,
'new_master_port=i' => \$new_master_port,
'new_master_user=s' => \$new_master_user,
'new_master_password=s' => \$new_master_password
exit &main();
sub main {
print "\n\nIN SCRIPT TEST====$ssh_stop_vip==$ssh_start_vip===\n\n";
if ( $command eq "stop" || $command eq "stopssh" ) {
print $command;
# $orig_master_host, $orig_master_ip, $orig_master_port are passed.
# If you manage master ip address at global catalog database,
# invalidate orig_master_ip here.
my $exit_code = 1;
eval {
print "Disabling the VIP on old master: $orig_master_host \n";
$exit_code = 0;
if ($@) {
warn "Got Error: $@\n";
exit $exit_code;
exit $exit_code;
elsif ( $command eq "start" ) {
# all arguments are passed.
# If you manage master ip address at global catalog database,
# activate new_master_ip here.
# You can also grant write access (create user, set read_only=0, etc) here.
my $exit_code = 10;
eval {
print "Enabling the VIP - $vip on the new master - $new_master_host \n";
$exit_code = 0;
if ($@) {
warn $@;
exit $exit_code;
exit $exit_code;
elsif ( $command eq "status" ) {
print "Checking the Status of the script.. OK \n";
`ssh -p ssh_포트번호 $ssh_user\@$orig_master_host \" $ssh_start_vip \"`;
exit 0;
else {
exit 1;
# A simple system call that enable the VIP on the new master
sub start_vip() {
`ssh -p ssh_포트번호 $ssh_user\@$new_master_host \" $ssh_start_vip \"`;
`ssh -p ssh_포트번호 $ssh_user\@$new_master_host \" $ssh_mac_refresh\"`;
# A simple system call that disable the VIP on the old_master
sub stop_vip() {
`ssh -p ssh_포트번호 $ssh_user\@$orig_master_host \" $ssh_stop_vip \"`;
sub usage {
"Usage: master_ip_failover --command=start|stop|stopssh|status --orig_master_host=host --orig_master_ip=ip --orig_master_port=port --new_master_host=host --new_master_ip=ip --new_master_port=port\n";
#!/usr/bin/env perl
# Copyright (C) 2011 DeNA Co.,Ltd.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
## Note: This is a sample script and is not complete. Modify the script based on your environment.
use strict;
use warnings FATAL => 'all';
use Getopt::Long;
use MHA::DBHelper;
use MHA::NodeUtil;
use Time::HiRes qw( sleep gettimeofday tv_interval );
use Data::Dumper;
my $_tstart;
my $_running_interval = 0.1;
my (
$command, $orig_master_is_new_slave, $orig_master_host,
$orig_master_ip, $orig_master_port, $orig_master_user,
$orig_master_password, $orig_master_ssh_user, $new_master_host,
$new_master_ip, $new_master_port, $new_master_user,
$new_master_password, $new_master_ssh_user, $orig_master_ssh_port,
my $vip = '';
my $netmask = '';
my $broadcast = '';
my $key = "0";
my $ssh_start_vip = "sudo /usr/sbin/ifconfig eth1:$key $vip netmask $netmask broadcast $broadcast up";
my $ssh_stop_vip = "sudo /usr/sbin/ifconfig eth1:$key down";
my $ssh_mac_refresh = "sudo /usr/sbin/arping -c 4 -A -I eth1:$key $vip";
'command=s' => \$command,
'orig_master_is_new_slave' => \$orig_master_is_new_slave,
'orig_master_host=s' => \$orig_master_host,
'orig_master_ip=s' => \$orig_master_ip,
'orig_master_port=i' => \$orig_master_port,
'orig_master_user=s' => \$orig_master_user,
'orig_master_password=s' => \$orig_master_password,
'orig_master_ssh_user=s' => \$orig_master_ssh_user,
'new_master_host=s' => \$new_master_host,
'new_master_ip=s' => \$new_master_ip,
'new_master_port=i' => \$new_master_port,
'new_master_user=s' => \$new_master_user,
'new_master_password=s' => \$new_master_password,
'new_master_ssh_user=s' => \$new_master_ssh_user,
'orig_master_ssh_port=i' => \$orig_master_ssh_port,
'new_master_ssh_port=i' => \$new_master_ssh_port,
exit &main();
sub current_time_us {
my ( $sec, $microsec ) = gettimeofday();
my $curdate = localtime($sec);
return $curdate . " " . sprintf( "%06d", $microsec );
sub sleep_until {
my $elapsed = tv_interval($_tstart);
if ( $_running_interval > $elapsed ) {
sleep( $_running_interval - $elapsed );
sub get_threads_util {
my $dbh = shift;
my $my_connection_id = shift;
my $running_time_threshold = shift;
my $type = shift;
$running_time_threshold = 0 unless ($running_time_threshold);
$type = 0 unless ($type);
my @threads;
my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SHOW PROCESSLIST");
while ( my $ref = $sth->fetchrow_hashref() ) {
my $id = $ref->{Id};
my $user = $ref->{User};
my $host = $ref->{Host};
my $command = $ref->{Command};
my $state = $ref->{State};
my $query_time = $ref->{Time};
my $info = $ref->{Info};
$info =~ s/^\s*(.*?)\s*$/$1/ if defined($info);
next if ( $my_connection_id == $id );
next if ( defined($query_time) && $query_time < $running_time_threshold );
next if ( defined($command) && $command eq "Binlog Dump" );
next if ( defined($user) && $user eq "system user" );
if ( defined($command)
&& $command eq "Sleep"
&& defined($query_time)
&& $query_time >= 1 );
if ( $type >= 1 ) {
next if ( defined($command) && $command eq "Sleep" );
next if ( defined($command) && $command eq "Connect" );
if ( $type >= 2 ) {
next if ( defined($info) && $info =~ m/^select/i );
next if ( defined($info) && $info =~ m/^show/i );
push @threads, $ref;
return @threads;
# A simple system call that enable the VIP on the new master
sub start_vip() {
`ssh -p ssh_포트번호 $new_master_ssh_user\@$new_master_host \" $ssh_start_vip \"`;
`ssh -p ssh_포트번호 $new_master_ssh_user\@$new_master_host \" $ssh_mac_refresh\"`;
# A simple system call that disable the VIP on the old_master
sub stop_vip() {
`ssh -p ssh_포트번호 $orig_master_ssh_user\@$orig_master_host \" $ssh_stop_vip \"`;
sub main {
if ( $command eq "stop" ) {
## Gracefully killing connections on the current master
# 1. Set read_only= 1 on the new master
# 2. DROP USER so that no app user can establish new connections
# 3. Set read_only= 1 on the current master
# 4. Kill current queries
# * Any database access failure will result in script die.
my $exit_code = 1;
eval {
## Setting read_only=1 on the new master (to avoid accident)
my $new_master_handler = new MHA::DBHelper();
# args: hostname, port, user, password, raise_error(die_on_error)_or_not
$new_master_handler->connect( $new_master_ip, $new_master_port,
$new_master_user, $new_master_password, 1 );
print current_time_us() . " Set read_only on the new master.. ";
if ( $new_master_handler->is_read_only() ) {
print "ok.\n";
else {
die "Failed!\n";
# Connecting to the orig master, die if any database error happens
my $orig_master_handler = new MHA::DBHelper();
$orig_master_handler->connect( $orig_master_ip, $orig_master_port,
$orig_master_user, $orig_master_password, 1 );
## Drop application user so that nobody can connect. Disabling per-session binlog beforehand
print current_time_us() . " Drpping app user on the orig master..\n";
## Waiting for N * 100 milliseconds so that current connections can exit
my $time_until_read_only = 15;
$_tstart = [gettimeofday];
my @threads = get_threads_util( $orig_master_handler->{dbh},
$orig_master_handler->{connection_id} );
while ( $time_until_read_only > 0 && $#threads >= 0 ) {
if ( $time_until_read_only % 5 == 0 ) {
"%s Waiting all running %d threads are disconnected.. (max %d milliseconds)\n",
current_time_us(), $#threads + 1, $time_until_read_only * 100;
if ( $#threads < 5 ) {
print Data::Dumper->new( [$_] )->Indent(0)->Terse(1)->Dump . "\n"
foreach (@threads);
$_tstart = [gettimeofday];
@threads = get_threads_util( $orig_master_handler->{dbh},
$orig_master_handler->{connection_id} );
## Setting read_only=1 on the current master so that nobody(except SUPER) can write
print current_time_us() . " Set read_only=1 on the orig master.. ";
if ( $orig_master_handler->is_read_only() ) {
print "ok.\n";
else {
die "Failed!\n";
## Waiting for M * 100 milliseconds so that current update queries can complete
my $time_until_kill_threads = 5;
@threads = get_threads_util( $orig_master_handler->{dbh},
$orig_master_handler->{connection_id} );
while ( $time_until_kill_threads > 0 && $#threads >= 0 ) {
if ( $time_until_kill_threads % 5 == 0 ) {
"%s Waiting all running %d queries are disconnected.. (max %d milliseconds)\n",
current_time_us(), $#threads + 1, $time_until_kill_threads * 100;
if ( $#threads < 5 ) {
print Data::Dumper->new( [$_] )->Indent(0)->Terse(1)->Dump . "\n"
foreach (@threads);
$_tstart = [gettimeofday];
@threads = get_threads_util( $orig_master_handler->{dbh},
$orig_master_handler->{connection_id} );
## Terminating all threads
print current_time_us() . " Killing all application threads..\n";
$orig_master_handler->kill_threads(@threads) if ( $#threads >= 0 );
print current_time_us() . " done.\n";
## After finishing the script, MHA executes FLUSH TABLES WITH READ LOCK
$exit_code = 0;
if ($@) {
warn "Got Error: $@\n";
exit $exit_code;
exit $exit_code;
elsif ( $command eq "start" ) {
## Activating master ip on the new master
# 1. Create app user with write privileges
# 2. Moving backup script if needed
# 3. Register new master's ip to the catalog database
# We don't return error even though activating updatable accounts/ip failed so that we don't interrupt slaves' recovery.
# If exit code is 0 or 10, MHA does not abort
my $exit_code = 10;
eval {
my $new_master_handler = new MHA::DBHelper();
# args: hostname, port, user, password, raise_error_or_not
$new_master_handler->connect( $new_master_ip, $new_master_port,
$new_master_user, $new_master_password, 1 );
## Set read_only=0 on the new master
print current_time_us() . " Set read_only=0 on the new master.\n";
## Creating an app user on the new master
print current_time_us() . " Creating app user on the new master..\n";
## Update master ip on the catalog database, etc
$exit_code = 0;
if ($@) {
warn "Got Error: $@\n";
exit $exit_code;
exit $exit_code;
elsif ( $command eq "status" ) {
# do nothing
exit 0;
else {
exit 1;
sub usage {
"Usage: master_ip_online_change --command=start|stop|status --orig_master_host=host --orig_master_ip=ip --orig_master_port=port --new_master_host=host --new_master_ip=ip --new_master_port=port\n";
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