innodb_bug47621.test 1.79 KB
# This is the test for bug #47621, column rename operation should
# not result in column definition inconsistency between MySQL and
# InnoDB

--source include/

CREATE TABLE bug47621 (salesperson INT) ENGINE=InnoDB;

# Change the column name
ALTER TABLE bug47621 CHANGE salesperson sales_acct_id INT;

# If there is inconsistency of column name definition
# in MySQL or InnoDB, following create index would fail
create index orgs on bug47621(sales_acct_id);

# Change the column name back with the index defined on it.
ALTER TABLE bug47621 CHANGE sales_acct_id salesperson INT;

drop table bug47621;

CREATE TABLE bug47621_sale (
	salesperson INT,
	PRIMARY KEY(salesperson)) engine = innodb;

CREATE TABLE bug47621_shirt(
	owner INT,
		 references bug47621_sale(salesperson) ON DELETE RESTRICT)
	engine = innodb;

insert into bug47621_sale values(9);

insert into bug47621_shirt values(1, 9);

# Any rename operation on columns involved in a reference constraint will
# fail, as it will be rejected by InnoDB row_rename_table_for_mysql().
# In above example, any rename on column "salesperson" for table
# "bug47621_sale", or on column "owner" for table "bug47621_shirt will
# be blocked. We do not put such rename in the test since InnoDB error
# message will be printed in the error log, and result in test failure.
# ALTER TABLE bug47621_sale CHANGE salesperson sales_acct_id INT;

# Any rename on columns not involved in the foreign key constraint
# could still proceed
ALTER TABLE bug47621_shirt CHANGE id new_id INT;

# Referencing table dropped, the rename operation on related columns
# could proceed
drop table bug47621_shirt;

ALTER TABLE bug47621_sale CHANGE salesperson sales_acct_id INT;

ALTER TABLE bug47621_sale ADD INDEX idx (sales_acct_id);

drop table bug47621_sale;